My name is Stuart Campbell.
As a Canadian who has become a permanent resident of the US,
I understand all of the personal, professional and financial struggles of moving
a family and establishing your financial life in the US.
I am a Canadian Certified Financial Planner (CFP),
certified to advise on Canadian financial planning matters by
the Financial Planning Standards Council of Canada,
with 25 years of financial planning experience in both Canada and the US.
To learn more visit:
Many Canadians that move to the U.S. struggle to understand the complexities and issues associated with cross border wealth and retirement planning.
They don’t know where to turn for advice, and can feel frustrated, worried, and concerned about their financial future.
In short, it’s scary and mistakes can be very costly.
There is no cost or obligation. Get the answers you need and advice from a cross-border
financial planning expert.
Fill out the form now to reserve your appointment date and time.